Thursday, 11 March 2010

Class Feedback

Bear in mind we had one lesson to upload all our footage from filming and put it in order, and do a small amount of editing so some parts may not sound/look as good as they could be. But then this is only the rough cut version.

We did an exercise where by the whole class looked at each others work and wrote down good and bad points about our work. Below are some of the comments we receieved.

-When Alice is walking on her own the sound of heavy breathing was really effective and was a good way to create creepy atmosphere.

-Good natural sounds of the forest-sound would be good, can hear the sound of voices at very start.

-Some shots could be shorter

-Tiles will go well in multiple shots
lower some of the levels of sound to make the background clearer

Mise en Sene:

-Realistic (likes bob marley)

-Location is effective as it is a thriller

-Different style of camerawork, worked well, gave a sense of atmosphere.

-Hand held worked well, made viewers feel more like you were the characters.

-Angle of Alice running was very effective.

-Good shot of guy in background.

We think that the film will look a lot better when there is a diagetic soundtrack and credits will make it look more professional.

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